En altas densidades las distancias recomendadas son 2. The spread of the pathogen to areas where its occurrence was not yet detected is expected to happen in the near future. The plant has 8 12 leaves that are up to 270 cm long and 60 cm wide. I platani sono frutti prodotti dalle cultivar di due specie naturali appartenenti al genere musa, m.
General resistance management strategies in banana. In banana working group meeting 2010, miami, florida, usa summary and recommendations. Over the long term, the government would be welladvised to invest in research to develop plantain and banana varieties that are resistant to black sigatoka. Deighton mycosphaerella fijiensis morelet sigatoka negra raya negra. Economic impact and trade implications of the introduction of.
Black sigatoka, caused by mycosphaerella fijiensis anamorph pseudocercospora fijiensis, is considered the most destructive banana disease in brazil and in several other latin american countries senhor et al. Mycosphaerella musicola leach ex mulder sigatoka amarilla. In sudamerica non viene fatta distinzione tra banane e platani, nomi comuni che vengono utilizzati a seconda delle zone, preferendo distinguere le molteplici varieta eduli con il nome locale delle stesse. Distribution top of page black leaf streak was first recognized in fiji in 1963, but was present over a wide area of the asiapacific region before its discovery. Biological control of banana black sigatoka disease with. Banana production in ivory coast, as in most of africa, is primarily for local consumption and consists of crops of dessert bananas, cooking bananas grown on open plantations, and as intermittent crops from sea level to elevations of 2000 metres above sea level. This isolate was selected among 29 others for being able to reduce the severity of back sigatoka to levels similar to the ones provided by the fungicide azoxystrobin. C aricapa y correa, 1994 y en glicerol al 15% a 80 c abadie. An equilibrium displacement model is used to quantify the impact of black sigatoka.